
We are the Artificial Intelligence in Animal Omics Sciences (AIAOS) lab in Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida. Our primary research interest focuses on integrating high-dimensional heterogeneous -omics data to advance animal agriculture. One of our research topics is accommodating multi-omics data using machine learning, statistical modeling, and computational methods for genetic improvement in animals. Intrigued by precision livestock farming, we are also interested in applying computer vision to acquire high-throughput animal phenomics data (e.g., real-time activity) and using machine learning to incorporate the high-dimensional sensor data into our research.


Our lab's research has been highlighted in the ANS department newsletter (pages 12-13).
Welcome Angelo De Castro to our lab! Angelo is a new PhD student with a focus on precision livestock farming.
Lucas Basolli Borsatto joined our lab as a visiting student. Welcome to the lab, Lucas!
Yuxi Zhang joined our lab as a master's student in quantitative genetics. Welcome, Yuxi!
Our paper Use of the linear regression method to evaluate population accuracy of predictions from non-linear models is now published!
Dr. Rohan Fernando visited our lab and gave an invited talk at the IFAS AI and Data Science Seminar.
Jin's first PhD paper Technical note: ShinyAnimalCV: open-source cloud-based web application for object detection, segmentation, and three-dimensional visualization of animals using computer vision has been published in the Journal of Animal Science. Congrats!
Haipeng gave an invited talk in the Gene Mapping by Segregation session at the PAG 31 meeting.
Yuechen joined our lab as a research intern. Welcome!
Haipeng gave an invited talk in 2023 National Swine Improvement Federation.

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